Join Courtney Scott and discover the most spectacular landscapes on one of her getaways to Costa Rica

Excursions to discover waterfalls and nature in its purest form. Stay at Occidental Papagayo to explore a Costa Rica that doesn’t follow the beaten track.

Costa Rica is a destination where no matter how many times you visit, you can always find a magical place in every corner to stop and enjoy. A perfect place for travelers like Courtney Scott, a curious explorer who likes to find the unique values of ​​each place she decides to visit. During her stay in Costa Rica, Courtney found that the Occidental Papagayo is more than just a place to stay, she found in one of her getaways to Costa Rica a wide range of adventure options and experiences. Active tourism adventures, such as finding a small waterfall to bathe under surrounded by a nature, so perfect that it seems like a movie set.

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