Experience the thrill of sports at Strikers Sports Bar.
This bar offers its customers a laid-back and pleasant atmosphere where they can enjoy the excitement of important national and international sporting events, on any of our 11 plasma TVs or on the big screen, all of which are strategically located so that you don’t miss a single shot no matter where you are sitting.
In addition to a delicious menu, customers at Strikers Sports Bar can enjoy a large collection of sporting souvenirs and memorabilia used by the world’s most famous athletes, including Ronaldo’s football boots and Magic Johnson’s basketball shoes.
Guests can also make use of our 2 pool tables, which make Strikers a unique place for friends, family and visitors to enjoy an outstanding sporting atmosphere.
Some dishes from the menu:
We serve mozzarella sticks, onion rings, pork ribs and the exquisite Border Skirt Steak, among others.
Speciality drinks: Try a diverse selection of special creations such as “the caddy soft drink” or “caddy cooler” as well as beers, margaritas and whiskeys.
The Strikers can host up to 200 people and its opening hours are Monday to Sunday, from 11:00 to 1:00.
Register or log into the booking process and enjoy these benefits.
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