Do you know what your next destination will be to travel to, but you don't have a hotel yet? We suggest you book your next stay with My Secret Hotel by Barceló Hotel Group. When you book with My Secret Hotel we will inform you of the price, but you will not discover your hotel until 48 hours before the check-in date.
My Secret Hotel is exclusive to so only here you will find the best price for your stay, offering you the opportunity to enjoy a 5 star hotel at an incredible price.
Pack your bags and let yourself be surprised!
How does it work?
Find out more about our 5* hotels in Madrid from €100.
Select the number of guests and dates of your trip
You won't know which hotel you are staying at until 48 hours before check-in.
What are our accommodations like?
Prime Location
Centrally located hotels to make the most of your time in the city.
Well rated on Tripadvisor
All possible accommodations are well rated on TripAdvisor.
We Care About You
People are our priority and especially at this time we want to continue taking care of you. Learn more
Equipped and decorated with avant-garde furniture. In addition, they have the most advanced technology to improve the well-being and connectivity of guests.