What to see in Cairo

Places of InterestMuseums and ArtRoutes and WalksGetawaysShoppingFood and DrinksLeisure and EntertainmentHealth and Wellness
Places of InterestMuseums and ArtRoutes and WalksGetawaysShoppingFood and DrinksLeisure and EntertainmentHealth and Wellness
What to see in Cairo, the vibrant capital of Egypt
Places of Interest

What to see in Cairo, the vibrant capital of Egypt

El Cairo es la ciudad más estimulante de Egipto, bulliciosa y sorprendente a partes iguales. La capital egipcia tiene tanto que ofrecer que querrás volver una y otra vez.

Pyramids of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the World
Places of Interest

Pyramids of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the World

Being able to see the Pyramids of Giza is a very good reason to travel to Cairo. Plan your visit to one of the “Seven Wonders of the Ancient World”.

The Great Sphinx: the faithful guardian of the pharaohs
Places of Interest

The Great Sphinx: the faithful guardian of the pharaohs

The Great Sphinx of Giza, an essential place to visit from Cairo, is an enigma shrouded in mystery that does not disappoint.

Egyptian Museum, the largest Ancient Egyptian collection in the world
Museums and Art

Egyptian Museum, the largest Ancient Egyptian collection in the world

If we could only choose one visit in Cairo, it would be to the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities whose rich collection will be partly shared with two other new museums in the capital.

Zamalek, the most elegant district
Routes and Walks

Zamalek, the most elegant district

Zamalek is one of Cairo's high society neighbourhoods. From its location on Gezira Island, this district overlooks the hustle and bustle of the capital from a privileged position.

The Red Pyramid: a visit to the tomb of Snefru
Places of Interest

The Red Pyramid: a visit to the tomb of Snefru

The Red Pyramid is the largest pyramid in the necropolis of Dahshur, and is believed to have been the third pyramid built in Egypt. It was constructed as the final resting place of the pharaoh Snefru.

Al-Azhar Mosque: a symbol of Islamist culture in Egypt
Places of Interest

Al-Azhar Mosque: a symbol of Islamist culture in Egypt

The Al-Azhar Mosque is a key institution in Egypt's history since it houses the oldest Islamic university in the world. Go there!

Ibn Tulun Mosque: a jewel of the Islamic Cairo
Places of Interest

Ibn Tulun Mosque: a jewel of the Islamic Cairo

Located in the heart of Historic Cairo, this grand mosque is one of the oldest and best preserved Islamic jewels anywhere in the Egyptian capital.

Citadel of Saladin: Cairo’s grand medieval fortress
Places of Interest

Citadel of Saladin: Cairo’s grand medieval fortress

Besides its great monuments to the Pharaohs, this imposing medieval fortress is one of the must-see monuments in the Egyptian capital.

The step pyramid of Zoser: the original pyramid

The step pyramid of Zoser: the original pyramid

Discover one of the most important burial grounds of legendary Memphis, and the oldest monument in the world built entirely from stone.

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