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    kota tua
    Places of Interest

    Kota Tua, Jakarta’s historic centre

    Jakarta is most often seen as a city of skyscrapers, but its most picturesque district is actually Kota Tua, with its beautiful houses from the Dutch colonial period.

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    Wayang Kulit
    Leisure and Entertainment

    Wayang kulit: Indonesia’s traditional puppet theatre

    Shadow theatre is one of the most popular and traditional dramatic arts in South-East Asia. In Indonesia, and in Java in particular, warang puppet theatre has been an important way of telling epic and humorous stories for centuries. Find out where you can see it in Jakarta.

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    Places of Interest

    Yogyakarta, a monarchy in the Republic of Indonesia

    Yogyakarta is one of the main cities in Indonesia and is this independent country’s cultural capital. It’s in the centre of Java, in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Surprisingly, the region is governed by a monarchy, the Sultanate of Yogyakarta, which continues to exist and is recognised by the Republic of Indonesia.

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