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Things to do in Casablanca

    The Quartier Habous, Casablanca’s New Medina
    Places of Interest

    The Quartier Habous, Casablanca’s New Medina

    Cities are built based on their history, the passing of time and the different historical periods that they have lived. An example of this is the Quartier Habous, or Habous quarter, one of the main areas of Casablanca. Check out its attractions

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    viajar a casablanca con niños
    Leisure and Entertainment

    Casablanca with kids: family fun

    Una escapada a Casablanca con niños es uno de los mejores planes que se pueden hacer en Marruecos, ya que esta ciudad ofrece un amplio abanico de propuestas para toda la familia.

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    medina de casablanca
    Places of Interest

    A visit to the Medina of Casablanca: the origins of the city

    The Medina of Casablanca is a must on any visit to this city on Morocco’s Atlantic coast. This area is the legacy of the past of a city that underwent major development in the 20th century under French influence, and is an area of interesting historical and cultural value. Welcome to the Medina of Casablanca!

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