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Almería itineraries

The best of Almeria in a day

Discover its greatest treasures

If you only have 24 hours to see this city then don’t worry; the majority of Almeria’s treasured sites are in the centre.

48 hours in Almería

An express trip round the city

Two days can be enough to catch a glimpse of the natural beauty, architecture, art and culture of Almería and still leave you wanting to come back for more.

A weekend in Almería

Disconnecting by the sea

Every year the city of Almería and its neighbour, Roquetas de Mar, captivate thousands of travellers who come in search of a weekend full of beaches, nature and history.

3 Days in Almeria

An unforgettable experience

National and natural parks, deserts, mountains, virgin beaches and charming coastal towns and villages are only some of the delights to enjoy during your 3 days in Almeria.

Almería in four days

Getting to know the province

The province of Almería is renowned for its diversity of climates, landscapes, beaches and natural spaces, making it the ideal place to have a 4-day trip with variety.