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Cáceres itineraries

What to see in Cáceres in 1 day

1 day of walks, shopping and delicious cuisine

Culture, history and exceptional cuisine… if you only have one day in Cáceres, we have the perfect itinerary for discovering the essential sights.

What to see in Cáceres in 2 days

2 days of history and sumptuous cuisine

If you have a couple of days free to visit Cáceres, our itinerary covers all the essentials: palatial mansions, historic town walls, majestic buildings and fine dining.

What to see in Cáceres in three days

Take your time to enjoy the city

A relatively small city like Cáceres is the perfect destination for a three-day getaway. You’ll have plenty of time to see all its main sights without rushing.

Cáceres in a weekend

Journey back through time

If you are looking for a great place to spend a weekend, Cáceres offers a fascinating mixture of history, culture and amazing food.