What to see in Vigo

GetawaysPlaces of InterestShoppingSea and BeachesFood and Drinks
GetawaysPlaces of InterestShoppingSea and BeachesFood and Drinks
Things to see in Tui, a town between the river Miño and religious faith

Things to see in Tui, a town between the river Miño and religious faith

Things to see in Tui, the incredible town on the border with Portugal along the river Miño, a mandatory stop for pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela.

Travelling to Vigo with children, eight plans to enjoy the city from below

Travelling to Vigo with children, eight plans to enjoy the city from below

Travelling to Vigo with children provides a carousel of plans ranging from the beach to boat trips to the Cíes Islands and routes on foot or on horseback.

Shopping in Vigo, the must-see streets

Shopping in Vigo, the must-see streets

Shopping in Vigo is a pleasure that combines strolling, having a snack and visiting incredible shops. You must visit Rúa do Príncipe.

Things to see in Combarro, the town of granaries by the sea
Places of Interest

Things to see in Combarro, the town of granaries by the sea

Things to see in Combarro, the town where the granaries play with the sea as the tide rises and falls to provide a unique landscape.

The old town of Vigo: a city to fall in love with

The old town of Vigo: a city to fall in love with

Vigo’s old town is home to stunning steep streets flanked by monumental and legendary buildings

Samil Beach: a balcony onto the Cíes Islands
Sea and Beaches

Samil Beach: a balcony onto the Cíes Islands

Samil Beach is an idyllic white sand beach surrounded by an incredible promenade packed with terraces where you can sit and admire the sunset and Cíes Islands.

What to see in Baiona, a historic fishing village

What to see in Baiona, a historic fishing village

Guarding the entrance to the Vigo estuary, Baiona offers stories of ancient seafarers and traders, as well as strikingly beautiful landscapes.

Cíes Islands: the Island of the Gods
Sea and Beaches

Cíes Islands: the Island of the Gods

Protecting Vigo estuary from the buffeting of the Atlantic, this incredible archipelago is one of Galicia’s most impressive natural treasures.

Traditional food in Vigo: seafood, little fried fish and lots of meat

Traditional food in Vigo: seafood, little fried fish and lots of meat

Traditional food in Vigo is all about seafood but a lot of attention is also given to Galician beef, pork and all kinds of vegetables. And, of course, there are plenty of sweet treats.

Monte O Castro in Vigo, a magnificent viewpoint with a lot of history
Places of Interest

Monte O Castro in Vigo, a magnificent viewpoint with a lot of history

Monte O Castro isn't just a large park in the centre of Vigo. It’s also its best vantage point and a key place to help visitors understand the city’s origins.

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