Why you should treat yourself to the best solo holidays

Solo travel is ever more popular, and for very good reasons! We've put together the ultimate guide to the best solo holidays for those who love luxury.

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When was the last time you genuinely felt relaxed?

Christmas? Probably not. What with all that enforced jollity and extended family time, plus all the present buying and cooking, it’s not exactly a tranquil time of year for most of us.

Your last holiday? If you’re lucky, you might have been able to chill out. But if you went away with kids, in-laws, the extended family or even a group of friends, did you find yourself far too busy making sure everyone else was enjoying themselves to actually switch off yourself?

You’re not alone. With the pressure for every holiday to be Instagram-perfect and for everyone to have the time of their lives, people often find that they come back from their holidays feeling just as frazzled as when they stepped onto the plane in the first place.

That’s one of the main reasons why solo holidays were a massive trend in 2018, and are set to continue to become more common this year.

Why solo travel could be the best thing you ever do

Gone are the days when solo travel was purely the domain of the intrepid backpacker, off on an extended voyage of self-discovery. You don’t have to take off for months on end to some remote corner of the globe to spend some quality time alone and recharge your batteries.

These days, luxury solo holidays of anything from a few days to a fortnight are all the rage, with lots of spots making a name for themselves as solo travel destinations.

So, what’s all the fuss about? Here are just a handful of reasons why you should treat yourself to a solo holiday along with a few solo travel tips.


On holidays for one, you have no one to please but yourself

Most of us spend the majority of our time catering to other people’s needs. Both at home and in the workplace, we’re usually thinking about what everyone else needs from us, and we don’t appear on our own list of priorities.

If we go on holiday with other people, no matter how much we love them, there’s always going to be compromise involved.

On the best solo holidays, you call the shots. You can completely check out of the outside world and do exactly as you please.

You can eat whatever you want, whenever you want

You know when you’re wandering around a foreign city, all starving, and none of you can agree on where to get lunch?

That’s something you won’t have to deal with when you're on your own. You can eat exactly what you fancy, whenever you fancy it. You can have breakfast at lunchtime, have two dinners, or skip dinner entirely, for that matter.

Single traveller holidays mean you get to listen to your body and give it exactly what it needs, when it needs it.


Travelling the world solo means you can go to bed whenever you please

Going on holiday without your party-animal friend means that you don’t have to pretend you want to be up till the early hours dancing if you’d rather be tucked up in bed.

Taking a solo holiday without a significant other along for the ride means you can stay up all night glued to that incredible holiday read, not worrying about bothering anyone else with the light.

You can be as active or as lazy as you fancy when going travelling alone

Holidays for people travelling alone are gloriously flexible. Feel like a 10-mile walk? Go for it. Don’t want to do anything except lie by the pool drinking exotic cocktails, and then order room service? That’s your prerogative.

Solo vacations mean you have a chance to reflect

Modern life moves at a million miles per hour, and we rarely get any proper downtime.

Solo travel means you finally have some much-needed time alone with your own thoughts, and a chance to reflect on exactly what it is you want out of life.

When travelling on your own, you remind yourself you’re capable of anything

Let’s face it, going on a solo trip can be a little bit daunting, especially if you’ve never done it before. But once you have done it, successfully navigating a foreign country all on your own, you’ll feel pretty good about yourself!

If you’re in need of a confidence boost, then a solo trip could be just the ticket.


Stuck for ideas for where to travel alone? The very best solo holidays

Now we’ve figured out why you should be booking a one-woman (or man) escape, here’s a little inspiration for the perfect luxury solo holiday.

Luxury solo holidays by the sea

If you’re looking for the ultimate beach retreat, then it should be 5 stars all the way. The Formentor, a Royal Hideaway Hotel, on the shores of Mallorca, has long been a mecca for solo travellers in search of tranquillity and luxury.

You might find yourself rubbing shoulders with novelists or musicians, and even leave feeling a little inspired, as well as incredibly relaxed.

If you feel like tearing yourself away from your Balinese cabin, then you could go snorkelling, scuba diving, kayaking, or even take a boat trip along the stunning coast.

Solo adventure holidays: sun, sea and sand, with a side of adventure

If you’re after tranquillity and one of the best places to travel alone, then you can’t do better than an Adults Only hotel. The Royal Hideaway Corales Beach nestles on the southwest coast of Tenerife, and basks in sun 300 days of the year.

That makes this the perfect destination if you’re looking for some you time in the sun during the colder months of the year.

Spend your time on the beach enjoying the views to the neighbouring island of La Gomera, or, if you’re feeling adventurous and energetic, enjoy one of the many hikes in the Teide National Park. You could even find yourself standing on the peak of Spain’s highest mountain.

Escape to the country for ‘just you holidays’

If you’re more one for mountains than the sea, then this is the getaway for you. La Bobadilla, a Royal Hideaway Hotel is a hotel that looks just like a typical Andalusian village, nestled amongst the olive groves.

Its restaurants are legendary throughout Spain, the garden is to die for, and they even heat one of the pools in April and October so you can still enjoy a dip.

If you can tear yourself away from the spa or that novel, then breath-taking Granada is just a short journey away. A visit to the world-famous Alhambra will be something you’ll remember forever.

Book yourself the ultimate holiday to the best solo travel destinations, and discover the magic of travelling on your own. Go on, future you will love you for it.

Where would you like to go?